v0.16.155 - 66.9 / 23.4

<A .../>

The <A/> component can be used to create links with special characters in the URL and/or with specific Router features. When the href is not absolute (thats it starting with /, # or http) it will make the link relative to the current route.

# Attributes

params?key-value pairs objectused to replace params in the link href for the URI encoded equivalents. <A href="/some/:cat/:page" params={{ cat: 'variété', page:'touché' }}>Touché</A> will become <a href="/some/vari%C3%A9t%C3%A9/touch%C3%A9">Touché</a>
replace?boolean [false]replace the location to not add a history entry on the browser

# Snippet

# Params

Testing params replacement